Zimperium Global Threat Report – Q3 2017

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Zimperium has released it’s latest summary report on mobile threats seen at its customers. The latest report summarizes mobile threats recorded from July 1 to September 30, 2017, for device risks, network threats, and app malware, click bots, and privacy abuse. Data in the “Zimperium Global Threat Report” is initiated by Zimperium’s mobile security and mobile threat defense technology, z9, on enterprise customer devices. The threat detection is delivered via the zIPS mobile security app or the lightweight zIAP SDK for mobile app developers. zIPS and zIAP enable companies to detect threats to mobile devices in real-time, so attacks on a mobile device are terminated and won’t advance beyond the targeted device.

Threat types in the report are classified as:

  • Device Threats and Risks – Threats to the device or OS, including unpatched vulnerabilities
  • Network Threats – Threats delivered to the device via the cell network, Wi-Fi, or Rogue Access Points
  • App Threats – Mobile malware, spyware, adware, click bots, or “leaky apps” on devices

Highlights in the report include:

  • Vulnerability reviews on BankBot, BroadPwn, and KRACK
  • Patches to 139 CVES on iOS and 281 on Android
  • Device risks and Delays in device updates after patches become available
  • 9% of devices detected a network attack
  • Every enterprise recorded mobile threats

Download the entire Q4 2017 Zimperium Global Threat Report

If you prefer, feel free to review our webinar video summarizing the report or use the slides at your company to start a mobile security conversation.

Video: Enterprise Mobile Device Threats and Vulnerabilities

Slides: Enterprise Mobile Device Threats and Vulnerabilities

If you have specific questions or require specialized attention for your unique environment, please contact us for help. Customers can initiate a support request or you may contact your customer success delegate.

Previous reports:

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Author: Scott King
Scott King is an expert B2B technology marketer and advises enterprises and software companies on the latest technology advancements and why they matter. You can contact Scott @thescottking, LinkedIn, or thescottking.com.