Mobile Phishing Protection
Prevent Phishing Attacks on Mobile Devices

More than 83% of Organizations are Victims of Phishing

According to recent research, 82% of breaches involved the human element, and phishing is by far the most common form of social engineering tactic, accounting for more than 60% of these attacks. With mobile phishing attacks on the rise, the need for mobile phishing protection is a must-have for businesses to operate securely. Download our brief to learn how Zimperium helps mitigate phishing threats to your business on BYOD and managed devices.

Download Mobile Phishing Brief
“Focused solely on mobile device protection, Zimperium is the leader in this space. Its holistic approach to detection of phishing attacks targeted at users’ mobile devices allows it to block phishing attacks that use text, social media, and personal and corporate email as vectors. It can do this while ensuring user privacy.”

– Simon Gibson, Analyst and CISO, GigaOm

Mobile Phishing Protection Must Go Beyond Corporate Email

In most enterprises, mobile devices do not have the same protections as traditional endpoints like laptops. This makes it far more difficult for enterprise security teams to detect active threats, especially in a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) scenario. Further, with smaller screens, and less space to identify troublesome URLs, users on mobile devices are inherently more susceptible to phishing tactics. But, while the majority of emails are now checked on mobile devices, email isn’t the only attack route for phishing.

Mobile also brings a number of new attack vectors that existing solutions are powerless to prevent, e.g., personal email, SMS (smishing), messaging apps and even malicious apps that masquerade as legitimate apps. And these apps are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to the lack of enterprise security controls. This is why phishing detection and prevention is particularly critical for mobile devices—and it’s a big reason enterprises currently invest in MTD solutions.

Mobile phishing protection must go beyond corporate email
Zimperium MTD App on Mobile Phones

Zimperium for Mobile Phishing Detection & Prevention

Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) – formerly known as zIPS – protects users against mobile phishing attacks. On iOS, Android, and Chromebook devices, Zimperium MTD provides on-device protection against phishing attacks as well as device, network, and malicious app attacks.

At the core of Zimperium’s anti-phishing solution is z9, the patented machine learning-based engine that can identify phishing attempts with 99.99% accuracy, including zero-day phishing attacks. With this engine, Zimperium MTD is able to protect users regardless of whether an attacker uses email, SMS, or in-app messaging. Further, devices remain secure even in the event of user misbehavior, such as clicking on a phishing link while browsing.

“Zimperium MTD offers the most advanced on-device detection engine and can detect threats from all mobile threat vectors including phishing. Integration with our MDM works very well in our company.”

– Project Manager, Multinational Media Company

Recommended Resources

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix: Mobile Threat Management (MTM)

Zimperium is proud to be the top ranked technology leader in Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ detailed analysis of the global MTM market. Read more.  

Management Is Not Security: Why Mobile Threat Defense Has Become Essential to Cybersecurity Strategy

Although MTD and MDM share a broad goal — protecting your business from mobile threats — MDM is, as its name suggests, a management tool. Download our report to learn why orgs need a MTD solution for effective cybersecurity.  

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