Mobile Security Perceptions vs. Reality

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47% of cybersecurity professionals saw a year over year increase in mobile device threats

Mobile Security Perception RealityWe’ve teamed up with LinkedIn’s 350,000+ Information Security Community to bring you real answers on mobile security. Late last year, the Information Security Community launched its 2nd annual mobile security survey to find out what the community had to say about mobile devices. Over 1900 IT professionals responded to provide answers on mobile device vulnerabilities, mobile malware, network attacks and how they plan to reduce risks brought on by BYOD.

On Wednesday, May 17, Holger Schulze, founder of the Information Security Community, and JT Keating, Vice President of Product Strategy at Zimperium, will take us through year over year results from the aforementioned survey and threat data Zimperium collects on protected devices. The webinar will contain details of the survey, global threats and recommendations on how to reduce the risks mobile devices introduce.

“As mobility continues to grow in the workplace, so do security concerns. Security teams are often blind to the growing risks mobile devices pose for the enterprise, and worse, unable to deal with threats as they appear.Enterprises need to embrace mobile threat defense solutions to protect their organizations and their data” – Holger Schulze

  • 47% of cybersecurity professionals saw a year over year increase in mobile device threats
  • 26% of organizations realized increased costs and help desk workload
  • One out of 10 devices contain risky configurations and settings
  • 3% of devices detected a network or MITM threat

Professional Perceptions Versus Device-harvested Reality

  • What: Mobile Security 2017: Professional Perceptions Versus Device-harvested Reality Webinar
  • When: May 17, 2017 at 11:00am PDT/1:00pm CDT/2:00pm EDT
  • Register Here
  • Speakers:
    • Holger Schulze, Founder of the Information Security Community on LinkedIn
    • JT Keating, Vice President of Product Strategy at Zimperium
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Author: Scott King
Scott King is an expert B2B technology marketer and advises enterprises and software companies on the latest technology advancements and why they matter. You can contact Scott @thescottking, LinkedIn, or